Monday, October 27, 2008

Reflection Blog on Podcast

My overall podcast experience was very different from my past experiences I had with creating podcasts. I really don’t why, but maybe it was the atmosphere in which I had to work in. My podcast was on the sickle cell disease stories. These stories depicted lives of different people who lived with the disease and some of the difficulties and positive that came out of it. My attempt at this was to not so much to portrait a sympathizing context but more so a learning environment for all the listeners to understand that those that have the disease live pretty much normal lives even if the disease impacted them in the worst case scenario like, “Valencia” did, who is one the person’s I talk about in the my podcast. She lost her leg and hand to the disease because of poor circulation. I choose for my presentation the colors green and pink because I thought they were peaceful, again nothing too significant other than that. I decided to have music playing through-out my podcast mainly for the purpose, so the listener wouldn’t get bored but the constant tone of my voice. The music I did LOVE! I specially picked that song from a movie that told the story of a young boy who succumbed to the AIDS virus and basically, I held a connection with him and those I were I telling their stories about. I worked endlessly on that ending… you know with a podcast, there are endless takes in getting just the way you want it and I kept changing my tone, and then my computer stopped working, then I saved my first draft as the wrong format, so it didn’t open in class.. I was like, “Oh this project!”…I really wanted to give in but I did follow through and I am proud of my finished project. I don’t think it would have make a difference if I had time or not, it’s the patience that is needed to keep constant to make sure that the final piece is finished is what I had to struggle to do. I owe EVERYTHING to my recommended source of reading by Jacqueline L. Harris. By reading the stories out of her book inspired me to do this particular topic and I choose what I thought would be good for the class.

1 comment:

writing teacher said...

Very good post here Adrianna. Keep up with the blog assignments throughout the remainder of the course.