Monday, October 27, 2008

Multimodal Webtext

I've been doing a bit of research on how I'm going to get all my information together on the treatments of the Sickle Cell Disease. I now want to focus on person with the disease and parents with children that have the disease since it is mostly diagnosed at a young age or even after birth. I was diagnosed at after birth with the sickle cell trait, and my mom tells me all the time that she didn't know what to expect being that she nevers heard of it before. Then after i got sick a few times with a really bad flu, she knew what to expect. I don't have the disease but it does take an effect on me when I get sick. So treatments I had to endure woould be part of my exlpanation and going in depth by investigating what person with the full disease does is my next step in putting together this webtext. Since this is more of a scientific aspect of going into details of cetain medicines and what not, I will be using some scholarly sources from online and the library. Nowing that this is the final piece to bringing the entire project together on my half, by linking all the projects together is really important to me to get it right this time around. So anyone with any ideas or input on what think I could use is WELCOMED!!! at anytime!

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