Thursday, November 20, 2008

Webtext podcast slideshow

It's FINISHED!!!!!!!!!Thank goodness cause I worked so hard on it. I stayed up all night and all morning and got it done that I feel a sense of relief. I only got 2 hours of sleep that moring it was due and honeslty I was really cranky and thought that I wasn't going to be able to come to class. Now that it's posted, I've gotten positive feedback that has driven me to get this webtext done and to make sure it's on point. For my webtext I planned on giving a broader overview of the my topic sickle cell and its treatments but I realized that it would be very similar to the first webtext. So I am planning on really focusing in depth on the treatments and any and all information on them such as bone marrow transplants and gene therapy etc. I just that it'll all meet the word requirement since some of the topic I plan on using links as references.

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