Monday, December 1, 2008

Refection blog

My topic was on the sickle cell treatments and what they are, how they affect the person, expense and new options in getting treatments. It was directed more so to parents whose children had the disease and wanted to know their options or to person with the disease who wanted to know their options. I used bright colors for the design of my webtext. Nothing with significant meaning, just to give people alertness when they enter my page. I organized based of the example given on the mabrito website, which after some consideration seemed a bit confusing but I guess that’s we were supposed to do it. I do think that my presentation is well-suited because I give the reader something to think about when it comes to options of treatments available and what they actually entail. I do give references but not all my links work which is a problem that I have to fix as soon as I get into class. That’s one of my problems, is getting all my links to work, which I thought they did when I left but as soon as I came home I realized that some didn’t. Basically all my resources gave me most of the same information, nothing to different from those used in my first webtext so I used those along with a few new ones that gave a bit more detail. I am pleased with my podcast slideshow. I got a lot of positive response towards it and I think that is my greatest accomplishment throughout this work load of this multimodal webtext. Overall I think that I did a better job than the first webtext. A lot of hard work and a lot of reading and trying not repeat information already stated in the first webtext was done. I would however like to tweek the links just one more time and I would be completely satisfied with the outcome.